Let us create and host your page

Sanasight provides services for website creation and design. Some important things to consider when developing a website with Sanasight include:

  1. Ensuring that the website is accessible to people with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Sanasight can help with this by implementing proper heading hierarchies, providing alt-text for images, and ensuring that the site can be navigated using a keyboard.

  2. Optimizing the website for search engines (SEO). Sanasight can help with this by using relevant keywords, creating unique and useful content, and making sure the website is properly indexed by search engines.

  3. Focusing on generating site traffic. Sanasight can help with this by creating valuable content that people will want to share, using social media to promote the website, and running advertising campaigns.

  4. Making sure the website is mobile-friendly. Sanasight can help with this by designing the website to look good and be easy to navigate on a small screen.

  5. Keeping the website updated. Sanasight can help with this by regularly updating the website with fresh content, fixing any broken links or errors, and maintaining a consistent look and feel. This will help ensure that visitors have a good experience when they visit the site.